ASTOUNDCOMMERCE.COM ASTOUND HEALTH REPORT 2023 + Spotlight on Emerging Markets Latin America In line with the region’s accelerated digitization Middle East Second only to LATAM in reported use of 7 telehealth and interest in digital therapeutics, across sectors in the wake of COVID-19, (LATAM) Latin American companies and consumers are & North Africa MENA has also emerged as a global leader in outpacing the rest of the world when it comes (MENA) digital healthcare adoption. to embracing the latest healthcare technologies. 55 percent of respondents reported using health + More than half of respondents (52 percent) had had wearables in the last 12 months, behind only the a telehealth appointment in the last year, compared to + consumers in LATAM. 34 percent in North America and Europe, and just 29 59% percent in the UK. Almost half (47 percent) of respondents reported of Latin Americans 67% having had a telehealth appointment in the last year, reported using 59 percent of Latin Americans surveyed reported of consumers in MENA outstripping the global average of 36 percent. health wearables using health wearables, far ahead of the global looked at a drug average of 44 percent. company’s website for Two-thirds (67 percent) of consumers in the region health information reported looking at a drug company’s website for LATAM also leads the way when it comes to digital health information, far higher than the global average therapeutics: 37 percent of respondents in the region of 46 percent. reported using these therapies, about double the global average of 18 percent. 42 percent of consumers in MENA reported changes in their healthcare coverage over the past year, almost Consumers in the region are also more likely to view double the global average of 22 percent—but those + information from drug companies as truthful and changes were overwhelmingly positive: 72 percent 37% more likely to look for health-related information on + reported that their coverage had improved, and an a pharmaceutical website. additional 14 percent reported that they’d gained used digital 42% coverage where they previously had had none. therapeutics reported changes However, the region continues to experience supply in their healthcare However, those in MENA are still being hit hard by chain disruptions: 27 percent encountered a shortage coverage supply chain disruptions: 29 percent reported being of prescribed medicine, compared with a global impacted by a shortage of prescribed medication, average of 16 percent. the highest of any area we surveyed. 34 35

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