The following data points serve as important indicators to measure the efficacy of the relationship patients have with their healthcare providers in general. In a broad sense, global patients have a high level of trust in their network of healthcare providers—69 percent say they trust their physicians to make the best decisions regarding their health (see Figure 16). 56 percent of consumers also have a positive sentiment regarding collaboration among their network of physicians and receipt of personalized care, albeit down from 66 percent in 2020. Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Provide them with personalized care tailored to their specific needs Would find a new healthcare provider if they had a bad experience Collaborate with each other to coordinate their course of care Have visited the same healthcare provider for as long as they can remember Trust the doctors/healthcare providers in their network make the best decisions possible regarding their health Find it difficult to get in touch with my healthcare provider Figure 16. Patient Sentiments Involving Their Healthcare Provider Network. Figure 17. Patient Sentiments Involving Their Healthcare Patients indicate their level of agreement with the proposed statements regarding Provider Network. Patients rate their level of agreement regarding aspects of the patient and healthcare provider network relationship. the proposed statements. The amount of trust patients have in their network of physicians When consumers seek advice on issues related to could be due to the relationship they have cultivated with their their health, universally, only 15 percent state that healthcare providers, with a majority of consumers indicating they their healthcare provider is their initial resource have visited the same healthcare provider for a significant period of to solicit help (see Figure 18). Figure 17 reveals time (see Figure 17). That said, 70 percent of consumers at least that contact capability is also a potential hurdle, somewhat agree they would find a new healthcare provider in the with 40 percent at least somewhat agreeing that event of a bad experience. they have difficulty getting in touch with their healthcare provider. 26 27

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