ASTOUNDCOMMERCE.COM ASTOUND HEALTH REPORT 2023 A growing percentage of respondents reported that Among the 51 percent who would engage in they would be likely to use telehealth for remote telehealth for therapy, more than two-thirds (68 monitoring and follow-up appointments in 2022, and percent) of respondents would be likely to use comfort levels remained stable across most other types telehealth for counseling, while mental health and + of medical appointments as compared to 2021— addiction support also received substantial year-over- suggesting that the adoption of the technology is year gains, perhaps reflecting a general increase in becoming a habit for a substantial majority of patients. social acceptance of mental and behavioral health issues. Consumers show less appetite for therapies like physical and occupational health that require a 51% Reasons for Future Telehealth Use 2021 2022 greater degree of physical guidance and interaction— at least until new virtual tools become more wildly of respondents would be likely 4 developed and embraced for patient rehabilitation. to use telehealth for therapy Monitoring of my current 63% health condition/illness 59% (remote monitoring) Follow-up appointment 66% 63% Reasons for Considering Telehealth Therapy 2021 2022 An assessment to determine if 58% emergency care is needed 56% Moderate illness 57% Mental health 47% (e.g., the flu, digestive issues, a sprain, etc.) 56% 36% Major illness 44% (e.g., concerns related to COVID-19, 44% Addiction 20% cancer, MS, lupus, etc.) 16% Therapy 51% (physical, occupational, counseling, 51% Counseling 68% addiction, mental health) (help in understanding underlying physiological & psychological issues) 55% Preventative medicine 57% (annual check-up or exam) 57% Physical 34% 35% I have a few questions 70% I need answered 70% Occupational 39% (meaningful activities designed to help you 45% Minor illness 63% adjust your environment to your needs) (e.g., a cold, an earache, strep throat, etc.) 64% An initial consultation 63% 64% Figure 11: Year-over-year comparison of percentage of respondents who Figure 12: Year-over-year comparison of respondents who would consider using telehealth for therapy by type, among those who would be likely to engage in telehealth for each reason. would be likely to use telehealth for therapy at all. 18 19

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