TELEHEALTH Telehealth use garnered great momentum in 2020 for obvious reasons, as patients looked to maintain their course of care amid the disruption caused by the pandemic. Our survey results indicate 45 percent of global patients used telehealth in the past 12 months, up 10 percent from 2020. Figure 10 indicates the purposes for which patients were inclined to use this virtual health delivery model in 2021 compared to 2020. For about half of global consumers, preventative health measures are the predominant driver of telehealth appointments, slightly ahead of illness-related concerns. 2020 2021 % change 2021 2020 A follow-up appointment 60% 63% 5% Other An assessment to determine if emergency care is needed 52% 56% 8% Prescription refill only An initial consultation 60% 64% 7% Has a few questions they need answered 64% 70% 9% Illness for you or someone in your family Monitoring of their current health condition/illness 54% 59% 9% Preventive medicine Preventative medicine (i.e., annual checkup or exam) 52% 57% 10% (annual checkup/visit) Figure 10. Year-over-Year Comparison of Therapy (i.e., physical, occupational, counseling, 42% 51% 21% Reasons Why Patients Use Telehealth. Growth addiction, mental health, and so on) is seen in patients’ use of telehealth for certain appointment types from 2020 to 2021. Treatment for a major illness (i.e., concerns related to COVID-19, cancer, MS, lupus, and so on) 42% 44% 5% Treatment for a minor illness (i.e., a cold, an earache, 53% 64% 21% Nearly three out of five consumers say they would health-related questions, which remains the case strep throat, and so on) generally consider using a virtual healthcare visit, in 2021. However, while consumer interest grew for Treatment for a moderate illness (i.e., the flu, digestive led by 82 percent of MENA consumers. In our all telehealth appointment types year over year, the issues, a sprain, and so on) 49% 56% 14% 2020 survey, we saw a majority of global patients highest growth rates are seen in higher-engagement state their propensity for potential virtual visit use as interaction methods, specifically for receiving Figure 11. Year-over-Year Comparison of Patients’ Likelihood to primarily for lower-engagement appointments treatment for a minor illness and receiving therapy, Use Telehealth for Specific Appointment Types. Patients indicate the like an initial consult or getting answers to certain both up 21 percent from 2020 (see Figure 11). degree to which they are likely to use telehealth for various reasons, all of which increased from 2020 to 2021. 18 19

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