Scheduling difficulties, long wait times, and cost Communication via phone is the top favored engagement transparency—where in the US the No Surprise Act, mode for global patients for the second year of our which went into effect January 2022, bans patients survey, ahead of face-to-face and email; thus, it is not from receiving surprise medical bills when they seek likely to fade anytime soon. However, healthcare providers unplanned care out of their network—are typical must address all systematic touchpoints, as consumer frustrations patients experience that must be addressed. experience frustrations can inhibit the execution of even However, the major pain point of in-person appointments simple tasks, as well as overall patient satisfaction— centers on scheduling, with three out of five patients not to mention the time spent from an administrative stating that speaking with an administrator to schedule perspective. Consumer preference for online patient an appointment is somewhat time-consuming portals when making appointments represent a good (see Figure 21). opportunity to alleviate this particular pain point. Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Patient lives far away from office/patient has difficulty getting to the appointment Patient is typically unsure of out-of-pocket costs of healthcare appointments Limited time to discuss patient’s needs during the appointment/patient feels rushed CONCLUSION The pursuit of sustained, positive health outcomes for all patients remains the key goal of the healthcare industry, but each individual’s journey toward that outcome has fundamentally changed. Patients have adopted digital into their healthcare Usually a long wait time before the physician sees them for the scheduled appointment journey, search engines display thousands of outputs from health-related search queries, and digital devices and mobile apps relay biometric data in real time. Consumer expectations have been shaped by sophisticated algorithms that only reveal Difficulty in scheduling appointments around patient’s own schedule localized, contextual information in response to searches, and retailers promise to deliver products in two days or less. The healthcare industry must acknowledge that a patient Patient’s healthcare provider seems to have very limited appointment availability is a consumer. Antiquated delivery models and generic communication methods are no longer viable for patients in an ever-changing, digital-first world. Patients demand valuable healthcare experiences, because their health depends on it. Typically uses the online patient portal to make healthcare provider appointments The healthcare industry, historically resistant to change, is in the midst of a once-in-a-generation transformation. Industry disruption—from mergers and acquisitions, data sharing and privacy regulations, healthcare workers exiting the industry, Speaking with an administrator to schedule the appointment is time-consuming increased competition from retailers, and patient demands, to name a few—is reaching critical mass. Digitally compliant solutions, which will enable more accessible, cost-effective, Figure 21. Patient Sentiment Involving In-Person Appointments. efficient strategies to serve all patients at each touchpoint in their Patients state their level of agreement with the proposed sentiments healthcare journey, are needed now more than ever. as it relates to in-person appointments. 30 31

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