With nearly 8 out of 10 global consumers noting they currently have CURRENT health insurance, only 45 percent feel strongly that they have adequate In a rural area access to healthcare (see Figure 5). This disparity between actual 15% HEALTHCARE coverage and adequate access indicates a strong gap in the perception SENTIMENT consumers have regarding what can be considered easily obtained care versus their coverage benefits. Residents of the MENA region show the largest gap between having healthcare coverage (93 percent) and adequate healthcare access (36 percent) at 57 percent. In an urban 55% area or city 30% In a suburban area Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Have access to adequate healthcare Figure 3. Distribution of Respondents by Area Believe the healthcare system where they live could be improved Type. Respondents indicate their area of residence. Believe all citizens where they live have access to adequate healthcare Postgraduate (master’s or doctorate) 13% Some postgraduate 9% Are able to afford any healthcare emergency costs that may arise Undergraduate 23% Figure 5. Global Patient Healthcare Sentiment. Patients state their level of agreement with the proposed sentiments on the nature of the healthcare system. Some undergraduate 16% Trade/technical/vocational training 8% Secondary (graduated high school) 23% Furthermore, nearly one in four consumers feel strongly surveyed cohorts ages 18 to 24 and 45 to 54 are reported that the healthcare system in their region could be to be the most vulnerable, with only 26 percent and improved. Therefore, it’s critical that stakeholders in the 17 percent of each demographic, respectively, indicating Some secondary (high school) 6% healthcare industry work to bridge the divide between strong confidence in their financial capability. These two access and coverage, or more pointedly, perception and cohorts in particular will be most sensitive to healthcare Grade school or middle school 1% reality, to cultivate patient satisfaction, loyalty, and—most costs. Total transparency is paramount when engaging importantly—outcomes. these consumers on price—as well as the transparency Prefer not to answer 1% Financial resources are clearly a huge factor in existing around the value that will be derived from a given service. healthcare disparities across populations. When it comes Consumers are more knowledgeable than ever on the Figure 4. Distribution of Respondents by Education Level Completed. to the ability to afford emergency healthcare costs, costs of all services, from engaging in comparison pricing Respondents indicate the highest level of education they have completed. to doing their research online. 10 11

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