KEY TAKEAWAYS — Compared to 2020, patient interest grew for all telehealth appointment types in 2021, with the highest growth rates occurring in higher engagement appointments—specifically for receiving treatment for a minor illness, such as a cold We surveyed 1,000 global consumers in North (up 21 percent) and receiving various types of digital therapy America (Canada and the United States), Europe (up 21 percent). (Italy, Germany, and Switzerland), the Middle East — Nearly one-third of patients have postponed a necessary and North Africa region (or MENA, consisting procedure in 2021, citing safety concerns, up 17 percent of Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Egypt, and the Kingdom from 2020. of Saudi Arabia), South America (Colombia), and — 30 percent of patients strongly agree they would find a new the United Kingdom. Participants were required healthcare provider if they had a bad experience with their to be at least 18 years old. Respondents who current one. reported being currently employed in the healthcare industry were advised to complete the survey — More than 40 percent are at least minimally concerned about from the perspective of a healthcare consumer. the security of their personal health information. All data shown represent the average of all global consumers, with demographic analysis presented — A strong gap was found in the perception consumers have for further insight. A snapshot view of the research regarding what can be considered easily obtained care by region is included in the subsequent appendices versus their actual health insurance coverage benefits. to this report. — Physical therapy is the one form of digital therapy for which customer preference declined YoY (by 25 percent globally), with a particularly steep drop in preference by 44 percent of consumers ages 45 to 54. SURVEY METHODOLOGY 6 7

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